Yesterday I drug one of my good friends, Jessica out to do a little experimenting. I wanted to try out a new technique for my portrait photography and play around with the images in photoshop. Well, she was game so it was on. After about 30 mins, I decided that the "new" technique was not for me and went right back to what I know. I guess you can teach on old dog new tricks, but only if he wants to learn. I enjoy manipulating the light, Jessica calls it "sorcery". In the above image, the sun is actually on Jessica's right side, yet it looks it's coming from her left. I accomplished this by putting a remote triggered SB600 with an orange gel over her left shoulder. I am however making a real effort to shoot more natural light, and three of these images were taken with no flash.
This is a natural light image taken under a bridge. Her face has an interesting shadow on her left because the sun is bouncing off the ground onto the right side of her face. The diagonal lines made by the bridge structure also make this photograph more interesting. (Photo Tip)
I love this image. It's another natural light image. She looks kinda "sassy". She has a small amount of shadow on her left side again, but this time it's coming from the sun reflecting off a condo across the street.
Who doesn't like a giant concrete ball? Sunlight sorcery again thanks to a gel'd flash.
and again
Last shot from under the bridge is another natural light image. The result is a beautiful soft light.
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