Sunday, February 12, 2012

I'm Back!

Wow! What a weird six months this has been! To make a long story short, I got laid off at the end of the shuttle program and was out of work for a couple of months. My plan was to pursue photography as a full time vocation, but with the economy the way it is, it was a little scary. Along came a job offer from Boeing in South Carolina and they wanted me to start right away. I moved up there leaving my family here in Florida. I worked so many hours that I never took my camera out of the bag. After 4 months of separation, I landed a job back here in Florida. Thank God! Well I plan to take the camera out of the bag today. I am going to a college baseball game to watch family friend play (you remember the cage fighter). I will post some pics from the game soon. Until then, I will leave you with one of the first images I took when I started taking my photography serious. I like to call it "Aim High".


  1. I'm so glad to see that your back. I look forward to seeing all of your photos. Hope everyone is doing good. Have a great and wonderful day. Pat

  2. Thanks Pat, I know you are my biggest fan!
