Monday, February 13, 2012

Take me out to the BALLGAME! Burrrrhh, it's cold.

We made it out to Palatka yesterday for a baseball game, but it felt more like football weather to me. I shot a little, not as much as usual. It did feel good to get my hands back on the camera and I must admit that I was a little rusty. I did meet a fellow photographer there and we swapped some information and he even let me use his teleconverter. Gotta get one of those real soon, especially for surfing pics. Camera people just seem to be a nicer bunch. I have never met another photographer that is a butthole. I am sure there is one somewhere, but I haven't met him yet. Anyway, this guys name is Charlie Fee and his work is awesome.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

I'm Back!

Wow! What a weird six months this has been! To make a long story short, I got laid off at the end of the shuttle program and was out of work for a couple of months. My plan was to pursue photography as a full time vocation, but with the economy the way it is, it was a little scary. Along came a job offer from Boeing in South Carolina and they wanted me to start right away. I moved up there leaving my family here in Florida. I worked so many hours that I never took my camera out of the bag. After 4 months of separation, I landed a job back here in Florida. Thank God! Well I plan to take the camera out of the bag today. I am going to a college baseball game to watch family friend play (you remember the cage fighter). I will post some pics from the game soon. Until then, I will leave you with one of the first images I took when I started taking my photography serious. I like to call it "Aim High".